Sagittarius Zodiac 2023 – This year January 17th Saturn resides in Aquarius 3rd house, April 22 Jupiter resides in Aries 5th house and November 22 Rahu resides in Pisces 4th house.
Mars planet travels normally on January 13th. August 4th to August 8th Venus period.
Beginning of this year is good for business and work. You will receive a gift in your workplace because of Jupiter in the 10th house. This is favorable for working people. Sometimes you will be appreciated by your higher officials because of Jupiter 10th place.
You solve your problems by your sensible knowledge. Your working ability also improved compared to the previous years.
You will have the opportunity to tie up with a big company. This will help to go to the next level in your business. So this year is very happy for workers and business owners.
Sagittarius Zodiac 2023
Workers will get promotion this year 2023. After April 22 there was also a very big happiness waiting for workers and owners. Workers get bonuses and owners will get more profit.
You will do some new things for your work. If you had invested money in the share market then this year will give profit on it.
Beginning of the year your wealth will be good. This year Jupiter is in its 4th house so you may have a chance to buy new land, building or vehicle.
Rahu resides in the 5th house. It is not good for your child’s health. But Rahu joined with Jupiter so it is good for your child’s health. This year you will face some unwanted expenses.
After April 22, Jupiter sees the 11th house of the zodiac chart. This will give more profit for your business. After April 22 continuous money flow happens. You will spend money on your family’s auspicious ceremonies.
This year is good for family and society. In the beginning of the year Jupiter’s house is 5th place so this is very favorable for the Sagittarius family.
Your parents always support you. This will enhance your mind. This year your family will celebrate more. You are the most responsible person in your family.
After April 22 you have received support from your elders. Saturn resides in the 3rd house so it will encourage us to do work activities. This will lift your social position.
Children Predictions
For Sagittarius children this year will be moderate. Rahu resides in the 5th house of the zodiac chart so this will bring health issues for your children.
After April 22 your problems will be resolved. After that your family happiness will increase more. Your children will go to study abroad.
They concentrate more on studies. If your child is at the age of marriage then this year you will get married soon.
Health Predictions
This year your health will be moderate. Because of Rahu this year you will face major health issues. Your financial condition will be strong so don’t worry about it. Otherwise it will give a negative mind.
After April 22, Your time changed positively. Because of Jupiter you will get a peaceful mind and satisfaction. If you are affected by some diseases then you will recover soon.
For better health you should follow vegetarian food , Yoga and exercise.
Career Predictions
For Sagittarius Students this year is moderate. Rahu resides in 5th house this will give some slow in education to the students.
Those who are preparing for the competitive exam will get a job at the end of the year.
Saturn resides in the 3rd house of the zodiac chart. It will provide more support for your education. You may have a chance to get admission in well developed universities.
Sagittarius Zodiac 2023 for Travel Predictions
This year is favorable for travel. Saturn is in the 3rd house so you will get a chance to go small travel frequently. Jupiter resides in the 12th house so you will have a strong chance to go abroad at the beginning of the year.
After April 22, You and your family will go for your birthplace. This year you will go on a spiritual trip. This will give more success in your life.
Thanks for Reading “Sagittarius Zodiac 2023“.
Also Read : Horoscope 2023
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