Today’s moon phase is the Waning Gibbous Phase. Today 10 March 2023 is Friday. You will see the moon in Waning Gibbous Phase.
This day’s moon age is 17.88 days and the illumination percentage of the waning gibbous 10 March 2023 moon phase is 93.75%.
Today the moon’s tilt angle is 9.8. Today the approximate distance from the Earth is 392888.40 km. Every distance of the moon will be changed. Because the moon is rotating the Earth. The whole cycle period is 29 days. Depending on the full moon and new moon date the moon age will be calculated.
Today March 10 2023 the moon sign is Libra.
Today Moon Phase for 10 March 2023
The waning gibbous phase is the first phase after the period of Full moon. This time the illumination of the moon decreases day by day until it reaches the percentage of 50. ie Last quarter phase.
The waning gibbous phase is the shrinking phase. It will rise after the time of sunset in the east and transit to the mid after midnight time.
During this waning gibbous time the moon can be seen in the western horizon in the early morning daylight.
During this waning gibbous phase the illumination percentage of the moon will decrease from 99% to 50.1%.
Today, 10 March 2023 the sun’s distance from the moon is 148,588,958.22 km.
8 Lunar Phases
There 8 lunar phases happen in the lunar cycle period. The time of the lunar cycle period is 29.53 days. There are 4 major moon phases.
1. Full Moon
2. New Moon
3. First Quarter Phase
4. Last Quarter Phase
Between these major phases there are 4 minor moon phases that will occur. Let see the minor moon phases are
1. Waxing Crescent Phase
2. Waxing Gibbous Phase
3. Waning Gibbous Phase
4. Waning Crescent Phase.
This March month Major moon phases days are
Last Quarter Moon Phase – 15 March 2023
New Moon Phase – 21 March 2023
First Quarter Moon Phase – 29 March 2023
Thanks for Reading.
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